Happy Hump Day y’all. My oh my, do we have a good one for you today. Let’s jump straight into it.
Unnamed Game Studio
We’ve said it almost every single week, we hate that we don’t have a name for the game studio. There was absolutely no desire to name the game studio Rogue Wolf Games. So we are naming it Rogue Wolf Games.
Just kidding.
That wasn’t the name that we decided on but we did use that to derive the name. We took the letter count of Rogue Wolf (Five Four) and are using that for the name of our game studio. Introducing…… 54 Games!

Woohoo! We did it! We picked a name. And I even made a terrible logo for it. This logo is a clear example of why we need a designer asap, but its a logo nonetheless.
Now for the updates that you are all probably here for. The progress we’ve made in Bombseeker has been awesome.

We wanted to have a campaign for Bombseeker where the player can work to overcome static puzzles. This will allow for us to create interesting challenges while giving the player a sense of progression. The first campaign will be the tutorial that has 6 levels. We’ve completed all of these already.

Each of the tutorial levels have instructions that teach the controls of the game.

We have also began working on the levels for the Alathander to Prithe campaign. The names of the campaigns are going to be based on paths between cities and their will be specific reasons why these paths need to be cleared. Campaign descriptions will be one of the few ways that we will introduce lore to this game.
While the overwhelming desire for this game is for it to be a simple puzzle game, I can’t help but to build a world around it.
The Lore
Its not really a requirement for this game to have lore or a backstory. Its going to be a simple puzzle game. However, that’s not going to stop me. The premise came to me very quickly as well.
Previously in a Weekly About The Pack, we had mentioned the idea of a society that had placed these bombs to defend against an overwhelming threat. I have been iterating on this more and more. Even going as far as to create a map of the world that this game takes place in.
The most difficult thing for us will be how to delicately balance the delivery of the lore in game. There is an awareness that the vast majority of players won’t care about the lore of the world. Because of this, we want to make the lore in game scarcely delivered, but vast in depth for those that wish to pursue. How do you do something like this? No idea. When we figure that out then we will let you know.
Player Testing
As our game gets closer to launching, there will be a need for Player Testing. It will be really helpful to have player testers. We need to recruit people to our discord and convince them to play test for us. Which reminds me…
As mentioned in a previous Weekly About The Pack, we have created a discord but Rogue Wolf. This will allow us to communicate more closely with those who are interested in the game.
Along with the Discord as a place for us to communicate, for those of you that just want to receive alerts which these posts are published, we have created a newsletter. At the bottom of every Weekly About The Pack, you will see the signup form for our newsletter. This will email you every Wednesday with the latest post. There is nothing that we want more than to hear your opinions.
Every day we are making more and more progress. With the work that we’ve been doing at the rate that we’ve been going, we can’t help but to think that we will be ready for an open beta before the end of the year. For that, we are excited. Until then…
Go Forth and Be Awesome