Austin Adamson

After over a decade of writing code, Austin refuses to believe that the status quo for software engineering is acceptable. Creating Rogue Wolf, and subsequently Rogue Wolf Tech, Lyte Software, and ROGWOL Games, is Austin’s attempt to show the world that there is a better way to build software. Prove to the industry that you can make profitable software by caring about the people that use the software, the employees the build the software, and the reputation of the software. He believes that agile processes have destroyed the culture of software engineering and the goal of making money has destroyed the beauty of company cultures.
Caring about the people around you and building quality software will always be the path to success.
Go Forth and Be Awesome.
Who do we need?
You’ve all seen the work that I do from a design perspective…. we are in desperate need of someone else to design both this site and the graphics for Bombseeker.
We really want music for Bombseeker. That’s really all we want right now.