Welcome back for a another WATP. When we started this about a month ago, we didn’t think about how slow of progress we would be making on things. With grand visions of the projects that we want to pursue, we expected to blast through thousands of lines of code and release production quality code within weeks. We thought that we would be releasing TinyCloud TV, running with Little Flagger at its core, and playing Bombseeker on my phone all night by this point in time.
The reality is that we are slightly delusional when it comes to those expectations. The truth is that I value time with my family and that acts in contrast to these objectives. So much of my time has been with my wife and kids the pat week and its made me really happy. So what’s the take away from this? Well its actually something very important to me. No matter what happens in the future, no matter what how much we grow as a company (or don’t), Rogue Wolf will always be about the wolf pack, and your family will always be part of the pack. I never want to have to choose between my career or my step son’s basketball games. I never want to have to miss parent teacher conferences. And if my wife is sick, I want to be able to help her with our kids, and not have to worry about my coworkers being mad at me. Moreover, I never want my coworkers to feel like they have to sacrifice their lives for work so I always want them to have those freedoms as well.
I’ve been thinking a lot about these things lately, and as I type this next to my sleeping, pregnant wife, I find myself caring more and more about this balance of life and work. It makes me content with the progress that I am making, even though I do wish there was more being made. I am recognizing that I am a single person and I am marching at my own pace, and that’s okay.
Well, what have we gotten done?
The most important thing that we added to the game so far is the idea of a save state. We are now able to save the number of coins you have earned and the number of levels that you’ve completed. Now when you exit the game and start it again, your game values are persistent. This is something that I really wanted to accomplish so this makes me happy.

You can see above the play button that we are keeping track of your coins. For now, the number of coins received is synonymous with the number of levels passed. This will not always be the case. We want you to be able to earn more than a single coin per level. So under the hood, we are storing coin counts as well as the count of levels completed.
Next steps will include the ability to mark bombs on the map. At which point, when you reach the exit, you will earn a coin per bomb accurately marked. From there, we will begin tidying things up in order to start getting to beta.
Rogue Wolf
Over the past few days, we’ve been trying to work on the website a little bit more. We really want to give you all a better understanding of the projects that we are trying to work on, and the culture that we want to cultivate at Rogue Wolf. Also, we need help so we wanted somewhere to post that.
First up was the creation of the Projects page. Here we talk about projects that we are actively working on, as well as talk about some previous projects that failed. Its just as important to understand failures as it is successes which is why we include those previous projects. On that page, we talk about all of the projects from TinyCloud to Bombseekers and give more information about the goals for each.
Following the Project page was the creation of the Our Team page, which is very lonely right now. So far I have been working of all of these projects myself, so there is only one person on that page. But I hope in time, that page can begin to grow as we see more people start getting involved. Especially in Bombseeker. I think that the game studio will be the easiest place to add people to our pack, but only time will tell there.
At the bottom of the team page is were I created a list of people that I need. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but its a list of people who I could use help from at this moment. An example would be a graphic designer that cam make things look more pretty than what I make. I am aware that I don’t make things pretty. Another would be a music producer so that we can start adding audio to Bombseeker.
We are making baby steps in the marathon that is defining Rogue Wolf and making it grow into something special. It will take time and I’m just here to enjoy the ride.
Bombseeker has continued to be our focus. I think that it is simply where we are finding the most joy right now. Progress is slow, and that is okay. We are only human after all. Speaking of humans, we want to be more than just one. Which we’ve been thinking about a lot lately. And I think that wraps up this week pretty well.
Go Forth and Be Awesome