Its a weird feeling when Wednesday arrives. I’m always torn in that on one hand I feel as if I haven’t accomplished enough and I can’t believe that Wednesday is already here. On the other hand though, I’m always excited to share things with you. We have big news so let’s get into it.
54 Games
Everything up until this point has been premature. Let me explain. Before this week, I couldn’t legally operate under the 54 Games name. I kind of just took the gamble on the paperwork going through without problems.
Sometimes gambles pay off. We can now operate under the 54 Games name and I am loving it more and more every day. I do think we need to figure out how to make it clear that it is “Five Four Games” and not “Fifty Four Games”. We can just add that to the backlog of things to figure out.
Last week we mentioned that Bombseeker was in review by the Steam team. They came back to us with some changes that needed to be made.

Lucky for us, it was a couple simple changes. One of which was to improve the description for the game. I had previously just thrown in a basic couple line description but that wasn’t good enough, which is very valid. So I added the following for more context.
Years after societal destruction, the resistance has begun removing bombs that have been places throughout the world. Gear up as a bombseeker and take on the responsibility of making the roads between towns safe once more.
In Bombseeker, you take the role of a new resistance recruit who is assigned to be the Bombseeker in a town called Alanther. After a quick six level tutorial, you will be able to begin assisting the citizens of Alanther by clearing the paths to neighboring cities of bombs. This will be done by marking bombs that you come across. For each bomb that you mark, you will receive payment of one coin as well as one coin for finding a safe path to travel.
Each level presents you with a challenge inspired by the game Minesweeper, which tiles shedding light on how many bombs are nearby. There are 11 static levels spread across 2 campaigns. If the static levels are your style, then you can enjoy randomized maps that will still add to your total coin count.
After posting that and updating a few images that I had submitted, the Steam team approved our app and we are official on the Steam store with a “Coming Soon” release date.

There is still plenty of work to do on that page. I wasn’t expecting there to be so many settings, and so much configuration that has to be done. I have a lot of work ahead of me, a lot more that I need to learn. Also, I should be able to invite people to test the game throguh Steam. That is something else that I need to figure out.
We are moving forward with having the tutorial levels plus eleven more levels in the initial release of the game. Of the eleven levels that will be released, we have eight levels completed. We will be looking to wrap on the rest of the levels in the upcoming week.
Its a light week when it comes to updates, but I think that the updates we have are big. It feels as if every week, we step closer and closer to our goals and we are constantly making progress. Each time that I type these Weekly About The Pack posts, I find myself a little in disbelief that I’m getting this done. A lot of my progress is because of you. I know that there are people reading these. I know that there are people rooting for me on this silly adventure. Thank you. I appreciate you more than you know.
Go Forth and Be Awesome