Weekly About The Pack – 1 [26 June 2024]

Introducing Weekly About The Pack! Track updates about our projects and get insights into the world of Rogue Wolf.

Rogue Wolf Tech

There has been a lot of talk about TinyCloud, our streaming platform targeted towards family friendly content. Much of the internals has been coded for the streaming itself. Much still needs to be done, but baby steps are being made.

There continues to be discussions about how to handle the monetization of the platform as well. As many know, streaming services are money sinks. Paying for the bandwidth required is nearly impossible without some massive financial backers, which we aren’t wanting. This means that how we design the systems is important. In order to be independent of others pressuring us to relax the moral standards of the platform, we must figure out how to make the platform profitable.

Another project that is in progress is First Draft In Progress. The final piece for the platform that promotes amateur authors is the payouts. The methods for providing support for these authors has been established. All that remains for a functional prototype is the ability to actually get money into the hands of the authors.

Lyte Software

Because so many of our projects use basic feature flagging. There needed to exist a basic feature flag system that we could optimize for what we needed. Introducing Little Flagger. The first portion of Little Flagger has been coded and we are continuing to develop it as needed. The public GitHub repository will be released soon enough.

Game Studio

We really need to figure out a name for the game department of Rogue Wolf. It doesn’t seem fun to have Rogue Wolf Tech and Rogue Wolf Gaming and have Rogue Wolf in every name…. anyways…

Our first game Bombseekers is coming along smoothly. The internal mechanics of the level generation system is complete. Development is going to continue until all of the mechanics are completed.

Once the game mechanics are complete, we will be looking for a graphic designer/artist to design all of the sprites and level assets for the game. More on this in the future.


Projects are still rolling. There aren’t a lot of resources right now, honestly its just me. But I’m making things work.

Go Forth And Be Awesome

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