Weekly About The Pack – 3 [17 July 2024]

A day late and a dollar short. At least that’s how they saying goes. As some of you know, we’re overachievers so we went 7 days late. We are probably more than 7 dollars short somewhere as well.

It might be a dark time since we missed a week, but in the darkness there exists a light. We have two weeks worth of updates for you.

Game Studio

Yes, we still need to name this thing. But that’s okay, we can just keep caling it Game Studio for now. Its so catchy right?


There is a functional prototype of Bombseeker that is now being played by some testers. Its a bare bones version of the game but it has the basic feature set.


We have yet to get feedback from the actual game testers playing it. However, we gotten plenty of positive feedback from the game design doc and discussions about the future of the game.

In order for the prototype to be playable, we had get a few things completed. Here is a list of the features that got finished before the prototype went out:

  • Randomly Generated maps
  • Death when stepping on bombs
  • Map completion zone
  • Dynamic puzzle calculations and bomb placements

So where does this leave us? We want to get Bombseeker to an open beta and there is a lot of work ahead of us still.

On the To Do Board

First on the to do board is the global state system and a persistent data store. How do we do that? No idea. We’ll have to figure that out. We do need it though because we need to keep track of total gold count and the number of levels completed.

Up next on the list is the ability to mark bombs on the map and “secure” them. This is bombseekers after all, the goal is to find the bombs and escape alive. So we need to mark the bombs and add gold to the users global total on successful escape.

Lastly, the redesign. We don’t want to continue using the pixel art that has been used for the prototype. Prior to the release of the game, we would like to have a designer do a complete redesign of the game so that the visuals have a consistent theme.

Beyond that we have some long term goals. For example, we want to have an external user system so that players can log in from multiple devices and have a persistent score. We also have desired to iterate on that game and release BombseekerRPG…. oh shoot did I say that out loud? Shhh, that’s a secret. Pretend I didn’t say that.


Lyte Software

Little Flagger is continuing development slowly. There’s not a lot to update you all on, however we continue to work on the design. We still want a containerized feature flag service that we can interact with over HTTP.

Rogue Wolf

We haven’t touched TinyCloud TV is a bit. There are some logistics that we need to figure out in order to execute on it. The financial aspect of a streaming platform is a very interesting challenge to overcome.

Meanwhile FirstDraftInProgress is still itself a first draft in progress. We need to figure out the tax implications of the app. Once we overcome that, we can pursue marketing of some sort. However, until then, we will be pretty stagnant on that application.


We continue making progress Bombseeker as our primary objective. While the other projects are slow, if not stalled completely, we are excited to continue development on our game. Its been the most fun we’ve had in a long time. With that, we’ll see you next week.

Go Forth and Be Awesome.

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