Weekly About The Pack – 2 [02 July 2024]

Another week has come and gone, which means another WATP out the door. Let’s talk about what we have been up to.

Game Studio

Yeah I still haven’t come up with another name. I really need to though. If you have ideas then let me know. But in the meantime, we have been working on our game.


We continue to prototype the game concept for Bombseeker. Movement and collision when tiles has been completed along with the dynamic bomb placement and neighboring bomb counters.

You don’t have to say it, we know. The screenshot from the game is pixel art and we didn’t really want to do pixel art. We still don’t want pixel art. Once we have completed the prototype then we will revisit the art style. For know, we are going to use free art that we find online.

As we traverse across the map, we have to navigate the map and avoid any bombs along the way. We will be revealing numerical values as they are stepped on.


There hasn’t been much progress this week but any progress is better than none. The tiling and generation of dynamic tile map sizes has been completed. The next step is to improve the surrounding level design.

Go forth and be awesome.

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